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Our solutions
We have deep links with factories, we are located in the home appliance, auto parts, new energy industry belt easy access to factories. Our competitive pricing also helps you get more new product recommendations from the factories.
Consumer Goods Sourcing
We source over 100 different kinds of consumer products every day ranging from Electronics to Home Decor to Furniture. We not only help customers source their daily use items but also get them exclusive items from factories.
New Product Development
People always dream of developing new products, but making existing ideas possible products is hard. Our team help you evaluate your ideas and turn them into real products. We've helped a lot of customers achieve their dreams.
Why can we do more than AliExpress
More friendly to small investment
Whether you're new to importing products from China or not, we're ready to help you find the most affordable items to start your business.
15% cheaper than on AliExpress
Product quality is our priority
We will design your specific agents for you in the sourcing process, the QC will help you control the quality during the processing, production, completion, and shipping.